Me back with a blog relatively quickly. Two software products that amazed me recently are
I was blown over by its looks and performance. The looks have been made simpler since the previous release. It's said to be 3% faster and I found this to be very perceptible. Added to it there are a whole lot of
plugins/extensions that are really cool. The ones that are a must have are the
Web-developer one and the
All-in-one-gestures. The second plugin lets you go back/forth in history by right-click and simultaneous drag to either the left/right side. This really is great thinking, why do you need to move your mouse till the top left of the window to go the previous/next page. The Web developer plugin has a lot of features for people who deal with websites: converting GET to POSTs(vice versa), view form details, outline tables and lots more. I am sure you will give this a try. I bet you won't go back to IE.
This is one product into which tremendous amount of research has gone. Did anyone question the fact "Why do you need to submit a web form to compose a reply to a mail?" All the necessary information is available at the client side, why not use code on the web-client side to achieve the same ends. Address book completion, relevant ads, threading(which other webmail service offers this facility??). Hoping the folks at
Google will pack in lot of mail-client like features into their webmail service.
Have a nice weekend folks.