The star cast of Surya, Maddy and Siddharth have performed admirably well. Surya seems to be improving with every outing. Rahman is at his best as usual in Mani's movies. Meera Jasmine's expressive acting was refreshing. The actresses played their roles to perfection, though they had little scope to perform except for Meera.
The surprise packet was director Bharathiraaja in the role of a politician. His tiffs with Surya were thoroughly enjoyable. His histrionics are worth watching. Sriman as Maddy's friend excels in the support role. (Looks like he is getting stereotyped. Remember Sethu).
Above all a great movie from Mani. A must watch.
March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 August 2004 September 2004 November 2004 February 2005 May 2005